About Amniotic Membrane Transplant

Amniotic Membrane Transplantation is a procedure used to treat a number of eye conditions including corneal ulcers, limbal stem cell deficiency, and conjunctiva reconstruction. In this procedure, the amniotic membrane from the placenta is used as a graft in part of the eye. The amniotic membrane is used due to its potential to generate growth, migration, and differentiation of cells.

Selayang Jaya, Malaysia

Ara Damansara Medical Center is a renowned tertiary care hospital providing comprehensive multi-disciplinary healthcare services in Malaysia. The 220-bedded hospital is set up in a flourishing environment and offers excellent clinical care services from basic to advanced procedures. The hospital is well-set with cutting technology and modern facilities, housing expert medical professionals for providing personalized care and outstanding medical treatment to all the patients, domestic and international.

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