About Hormone Replacement Therapy

HRT or Hormone Replacement Therapy is a treatment approach that is used to provide women with adequate amounts of the female hormones - estrogen and progesterone- as their own natural production subsides in the body with age. HRT can be used in many conditions, but it is most commonly used to help women alleviate the symptoms of menopause. The duration and severity of symptoms during menopause can vary, but most women suffer from uncomfortable hot flashes, sweating, abdominal pain, mood disturbances among others. HRT helps women replace their reduced hormones, thus reducing all these symptoms.

Medical Park Samsun Hospital is a JCI accredited medical facility that is a reference centre for the region of Samsun and Black Sea. The hospital is the first main private emergency clinic in this area that focuses on basic to serious medical needs of each patient. To support this, there is a whole floor designated for Adult, Neonatal, and Coronary Intensive Care Units. The unparalleled services offered by VM Medical Park hospital with its emergency clinic has filled the gap in Samsun and its surrounding areas. The emergency clinic provides quality social insurance administration and has a trained specialist staff and other faculty to ensure smooth functioning every day.

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