About Stem Cell Therapy for Joint Problems

Stem Cell Therapy involves using stem cells to treat medical conditions. Stem cells are cells that have not differentiated into specific cell types. Scientists can manipulate these undifferentiated cells into the cell type the patient needs and then implant these healthy new cells into the patient; the new cells can help improve the condition of the patient. The stem cells can come from the patient, from the lab, or from a donor. In the case of joint repair, doctors can take stem cells from the patient's own bone marrow or fat tissue, or stem cells from an amniotic sac, and inject this into the joint in question to help improve healing or reduce inflammation.

Liv Hospitals Ulus is a JCI (USA) and TUV (European) accredited tertiary care providing reference hospitals in Turkey that offers a variety of services to domestic and international patients. The hospital imbibes the idea of quality health care with advanced technology and a focus on personalized treatment. Liv Hospital Ulus, Istanbul follows a patient centric approach for providing superlative clinical care to the patients. With 154 beds, 8 operation theatres and 50 clinics, the hospitals offers a complete range of health services across all the major medical specialities. Liv Hospitals aims to provide a healing environment to the patients

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