About Blood Cancer Treatment

Blood is a fluid connective tissue of human body and has red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes), platelets (thrombocytes) and the fluid part, plasma. It performs huge number of functions in the human body. Worn out blood cells are constantly replaced by the healthy blood cells to maintain the effective functioning. When few cells or the components of the blood become malignant in nature, the condition is called blood cancer. Three major types of blood cancers are leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma. The doctor usually decides the specific treatment for a particular patient after completing the process of diagnosis and going through with the reports. Read More about Blood Cancer Treatment →

The Med Hannibal is a private clinic in the Berges du Lac district of Tunisia. As an international establishment, it provides services to patients from all over the world. The location of the hospital is close to Tunis-Carthage airport, making it a convenient option for patients travelling from other countries for quality medical care in Tunisia. Med Hannibal offers a high standard of clinical and hotel care in an all-inclusive medical package, comprising other services such as airport pick up and drop off and assistance during the stay.

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