Low Cost Pessary Placement in India | Best Hospitals for Pessary Placement in India

Best Pessary Placement Hospitals and Cost in India

Choose from 40 best Pessary Placement hospitals in India

About Pessary Placement

Placement of Pessaries is a conservative alternative to surgical repair for pelvic organ prolapse. Pessaries are small, round, plastic or silicon tube like or flat structures. Pessary placement is a minor and uncomplicated procedure in which Doctors assess the largest size that can be used by examining the patient.
  • Urinary Incontinence Treatment

Best Pessary Placement Doctors

Dr. Veena Bhat

Head - Obstetrics and Gynecology

Dr. Reenu Raina

Not Provided

Dr. Anjali Kumar

Sr. Consultant - Obstetrics and Gynecology

Dr. Geeta Baruah Nath

Senior Obstetrician & Gynaecologist

Dr. Alka Sinha

Sr. Consultant

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