Low Cost In Vitro Fertilization with Egg Donation in Mississauga | Best Hospitals for In Vitro Fertilization with Egg Donation in Mississauga

Best In Vitro Fertilization with Egg Donation Hospitals and Cost in Mississauga

Choose from 1 best In Vitro Fertilization with Egg Donation hospitals in Mississauga

About In Vitro Fertilization with Egg Donation

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a fertility treatment used to help couples conceive a child. In this procedure, an egg (from the female partner or from a female donor) and a sperm (from the male partner or from a male donor) are combined together in the laboratory. This combination of egg and sperm forms an embryo that can be implanted into the uterus of the female partner or a gestational carrier (another woman who will carry the baby). In some cases, unused eggs or embryos from the treatment might be donated to other couples.Read More about In Vitro Fertilization with Egg Donation →
      Mississauga, Canada - 
      0 / 5 - (0 Reviews)
      • NewLife fertility centre is a renowned healthcare facility specializing in treatments for fertility and conditions concerning reproductive health. 
      • The fertility centre was established in 2005 under the guidance of Dr. Samuel Soleman, aiming to provide safe, innovative, and personalized care to all patients. 
      • The accredited facility has a strong team of over 150 staff members comprising experienced embryologists, gynecologists, urologists, and nurses. 
      • The clinic offers various treatments from basic diagnosis and treatment to advanced facilities such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), pre-genetic screening, and assisted hatching.
      • NewLife fertility centre was the first clinic to offer in-house genetic testing and screening. 
      • The clinic boasts state-of-the-art reproductive services available across 11 different locations - Toronto, Mississauga, Brampton, Richmond Hill, Woodbridge, and Burlington.


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