Best Liver Disease Consultation Surgeons in Dubai, Top 10 Liver Disease Consultation Doctors in Dubai

Best Liver Disease Consultation Doctors in Dubai

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About Liver Disease Consultation

Liver is one of the largest glands in our body and its main function is to assist in regulating the process of digestion. It also helps in eliminating toxic substances from the body and in removing dead Red Blood Cells. Cirrhosis is a slowly progressing disease in which healthy liver tissue is replaced with scar tissue, eventually preventing the liver from functioning properly. The scar tissue blocks the flow of blood through the liver and slows the processing of nutrients, hormones, drugs, and naturally produced toxins. Any damage to the liver can lead to various digestive problems and diseases like jaundice etc. Upon consultation, your gastroenterologist will try to understand the signs and symptoms of the problem and might do some diagnostic tests to understand the health of the organ. The details of treatment shall be shared with you after your doctor carefully examines the diagnostic reports.

    Dr. Abdelmajeed Mahmoud

    Gastroenterologist | Specialist Gastroenterology, Hepatology

    M.B.B.CH, M.Sc. ( Tropical Medicine & Gastroenterology ), MD

    Dubai, United Arab Emirates

    Dr. Abdelmajeed Mahmoud is an experienced Gastroenterologist who has worked at many renowned hospitals, including Zulekha Hospital.

    Clinical Focus

    • Management of gastrointestinal and liver diseases like : GERD (heartburn) – Gastritis - Peptic ulcer - Inflammatory bowel diseases - Acute and Chronic diarrhea- Constipation -Dyspepsia / Dysphasia - Fatty liver - Viral hepatitis- liver cirrhosis -Autoimmune liver diseases.
    • Diagnostic and therapeutic gastrointestinal endoscopies.
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    Dr. Denesh Gopalan

    Gastroenterologist | Specialist - Gastroenterology

    MD; FRCP (UK)

    Dubai, United Arab Emirates
    Dr. Gopalan has been practising medicine for nearly 25 and Gastroenterology for 20 years. He graduated from the University of Kerala , did post graduation in Medicine and is also a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons (Glasgow). He was trained in Gastroenterology from the Beumont and Mater Hospitals of Dublin, Ireland. He is a member of the American Gastroenterological Association and American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. He has been working in Dubai for the past 10 yrs.

    Clinical Focus

    • Endoscopic control of massive upper and lower gastrointestinal bleeding
    • Endoscopic haemorrhoidal banding of bleeding haemorrhoids
    • Advanced therapeutic endoscopic procedures
    • Stenting, especially metal stenting for colonic obstruction and other malignant diseases
    • Difficuilt to treat H.Pylori
    • Capsule endoscopy
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    Dr. Zakariyya Al-Mrayat

    Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist | Consultant

    MBChB (Dund), MRCP (UK), Specialty Certificate in gastroenterology (UK)

    Dubai, United Arab Emirates
    Dr. Zakariyya has obtained MBChB from Ninewells Hospital and Medical School (UK) in 1993.After which went back to Jordan and worked at King Hussain Medical City. At this center Dr. Zakariyya did general medical residency followed by gastrointestinal and hepatology fellowship. After each of these training programs, he obtained the Jordanian Board in General Medicine and the Jordanian Board in Gastroenterology. Dr. Zakariyya experienced in GI endoscopy (gastroscopy, colonoscopy, and ERCP)

    Clinical Focus

    • Irritable bowel syndrome
    • Inflammatory bowel disease
    • Celiac disease
    • Endoscopy of the GI tract
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    Dr. Filippos Georgopoulos

    Gastroenterologist | Consultant - Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist


    Dubai, United Arab Emirates
    Dr Filippos Georgopoulos is a Consultant in Gastroenterology and Hepatology at Al Zahra Private Hospital in Dubai, UAE since late 2012. He is a graduate of University of Crete in Greece finishing his Gastroenterology Fellowship training in Athens General Hospital in Greece in 2000. He subsequently subspecialized with a clinical fellowship in advanced therapeutic endoscopy and Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) at Glasgow Royal Infirmary in Scotland where later he became Consultant Gastroenterologist up to 2003.
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    Dr. Shareej S

    Gastroenterologist | Consultant

    MBBS, MD (Medicine), DNB (Medicine), MNAMS, DM (Medical Gastroenterology)

    Dubai, United Arab Emirates

    Dr. Shareej has obtained MBBS and MD in Internal Medicine from Govt Medical College Calicut Kerala. He completed his DNB in Internal Medicine from National Board of Examinations, New Delhi in 2005 and was also enrolled as a member of National Academy of Medical Science (MNAMS) of National Board, New Delhi in 2005. Dr. Shareej completed his DM training in Medical Gastroenterology from Govt Medical College Calicut, Kerala in the year 2011. After finishing his post graduation in Internal Medicine Dr. Shareej has worked at Fathima Hospital as Junior Consultant Physician in the Department of Cardiology and served there for one year.

    Clinical Focus

    • Inflammatory bowel disease
    • Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis
    • Viral hepatitis
    • Functional bowel disease
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    Best Liver Disease Consultation Hospitals

    Zulekha Hospital Dubai

    Dubai, United Arab Emirates

    Thumbay Hospital

    Dubai, United Arab Emirates

    Saudi German Hospital

    Dubai, United Arab Emirates

    Al Zahra Hospital

    Dubai, United Arab Emirates

    Canadian Specialist Hospital, Dubai

    Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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