Low Cost In Vitro Fertilization with IMSI in Hurghada | Best Hospitals for In Vitro Fertilization with IMSI in Hurghada

Best In Vitro Fertilization with IMSI Hospitals and Cost in Hurghada

Choose from 1 best In Vitro Fertilization with IMSI hospitals in Hurghada

About In Vitro Fertilization with IMSI

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a fertility treatment used to help couples conceive a child. In this procedure, an egg (from the female partner or from a female donor) and a sperm (from the male partner or from a male donor) are combined together in the laboratory. In IVF with Intracytoplasmic Morphologically-selected Sperm Injection (IMSI), sperm cells from the male are examined, and one healthy, normal sperm cell is selected in the laboratory to be injected directly into each egg. This selection process decreases the chances that an abnormal sperm cell will fertilize the egg. The combination of egg and sperm forms an embryo that can be implanted into the uterus of the female partner or a gestational carrier (another woman who will carry the baby).Read More about In Vitro Fertilization with IMSI →
      Hurghada, Egypt - 
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      Aseel Medical Care Hospital, established in 2010, was the first specialized orthopedic surgery center in the Red Sea area of the Egypt. The hospital was designed to cover all specialties of Orthopedic Surgery and provide the most advanced level of care to the patient. Aseel medical center (AMC) expanded to accommodate a wider range of specialties in its new building and now offer comprehensive medical services across major medical branches. Aseel Medical Care Hospital was further established as a 24/7 emergency hospital and continue to provide patients critical and emergency care services.


      • Temos Accreditation: Aseel Medical Care Hospital in Hurghada, Egypt accredited for its "Quality in International Patient Care"
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