Low Cost Nephrectomy in Istanbul | Best Hospitals for Nephrectomy in Istanbul

Best Nephrectomy Hospitals and Cost in Istanbul

Choose from 11 best Nephrectomy hospitals in Istanbul

About Nephrectomy

Nephrectomy refers to surgical removal of parts or complete kidney. The procedure is advised to the patients where kidney has stopped functioning properly and is not able to perform blood purification tasks roperly. A failed kidney might lead to problems like disturbance in water and ionic balance of the body and disturbance in blood pressure as well.

Read More about Nephrectomy
  • kidney surgery kidney removal
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    Bay?nd?r Healthcare Group is a part of Turkey’s leading bank organization Türkiye ?? Bankas? (Turkey Is Bank). Being one of the leading medical facilities of the country, Bay?nd?r Healthcare has been providing quality healthcare services characterized with reliability and respecting patient rights since 1992. It offers healthcare services in almost all branches of the medicine. Their outstanding specialities include Bone Marrow Transplantation, Medical Oncology, Orthopedics & Traumatology, ENT & Head and Neck Surgery (Cochlear Implant), Gynecology & Obstetrics, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Cardiology & Cardiovascular Surgery, Radiology, Neurosurgery, General Surgery (Oncologic & Bariatric Surgery), and Pediatric Cardiology.

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