Stomach Cancer Treatment Cost in India | Best Hospital for Stomach Cancer Treatment in India

Stomach Cancer Treatment Cost in India

Choose from 40 best Stomach Cancer Treatment hospitals in India

About Stomach Cancer Treatment

Stomach is a J shaped bag like organ lying below the diaphragm in abdominal cavity. Stomach is one of the most important organs of digestive tract as it help in liquefying of food with its various secretions, called digestive juices. The inner most lining of stomach is protected by the layer of Mucus and this lining gets replaced over time due to the abrasive action of hydrochloric acid in your stomach. Sometimes the lining of stomach gets infected by bacteria (helico bacter pylori), this leads to stomach ulcers and discomfort. If left untreated and ignored, this can also lead to development of extra tissue growth or nodes inside your stomach and can lead to development of cancer. Early signs of stomach cancer includes feeling of fullness, vomiting, nausea, bloating, and stomach pain after eating etc. You should consult your physician and tell them about your illness and medical history to get the best advice.

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Average Stomach Cancer Treatment Cost

    Best Stomach Cancer Treatment Doctors

    Dr. Vikas Dua

    Head and Senior Consultant

    Dr. Amit Agarwal

    Director & HOD

    Dr. Anil Kumar Anand

    Senior Director - Radiation Oncology

    Dr. Deepak Govil

    Senior Consultant

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