Forehead Reduction Surgery in Turkey

Hair Transplant

Many alternative approaches to improve personal appearance are now available as a result of scientific and technical advancements in cosmetic surgeries. One of these many procedures is hairline lowering surgery, sometimes referred to as forehead reduction surgery.

A cosmetic procedure called hairline lowering surgery, commonly referred to as forehead reduction, has the potential to significantly improve the appearance. And there is no better country than Turkey, which is known for its top-notch medical facilities and talented plastic surgeons, to get it done.

One can seem more youthful and confident with a hairline that is perfectly proportionate to the face by having hairline reduction surgery in Turkey.

  • The hairline is lowered during forehead reduction surgery to lessen the size of the forehead. Before the procedure, the surgeon will outline the required incision lines and go over where to position the new hairline.
  • The hairline typically begins 5-8 cm above the eyebrows, although for people with a high hairline or an extended forehead, this gap is substantially larger. This look frequently leaves people feeling unsatisfied since it appears unbalanced.
  • Depending on the individual’s preferences and those of the surgeon, the procedure can be done under local or general anesthesia.
  • The incision will then be made by the doctor along the defined boundaries.
  • Peritracheal incisions are what these incisions are known as, and they permit postoperative hair development.
  • The upper portion is pushed down to meet the lower incision after the incisions have been made. This results in a smaller forehead.
  • If necessary, the surgeon can now additionally do a brow lift. The skin is sutured at the new location once the ideal proportions have been achieved, and the incision line is gently tucked behind the hairline. The hair growth along the incision will hide any scarring.

The objective of Forehead Reduction Surgery in Turkey

  • The purpose of forehead reduction surgery is to balance out other facial features and produce a natural-looking, attractive appearance.
  • The patient’s forehead will first have any extra skin and hair follicles removed by the surgeon. The ideal face can be divided into equal horizontal thirds, but having a broad forehead can make it more difficult to obtain that look.
  • A forehead reduction procedure in Turkey may be the answer one has been looking for if one feels like they have a high hairline.

Suitability For All

Female hairline lowering

There may not be a definite basis for the popularity of this procedure, however, procedures to reduce the hairline are particularly common among young women. Many women think about getting a hair transplant to lower their hairline or having their forehead reduced surgically since a high hairline might affect the overall symmetry of their face. These procedures offer the face a more aesthetically pleasing and harmonious appearance.

Male hairline lowering

Although the forehead reduction technique is appropriate for male patients as well, it is more difficult for males because of the typical male hair loss pattern. Men who have a high hairline may feel self-conscious about their appearance because it might give the appearance of male-type baldness. For this reason, a forehead reduction procedure may be best suited for men with an extended forehead.

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Who is considered a good candidate for Forehead Reduction Surgery?

A person who has a high hairline or an excessively broad forehead and is normally in good health is a good candidate for forehead reduction surgery.

You should be in sound physical and mental condition, and you should have reasonable expectations for how the procedure will turn out.

To determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure, you must speak with a licensed and skilled cosmetic surgeon.

The following traits make a person a good candidate for surgery to reduce the size of the forehead:

Extremely High Hairline: A common reason people have forehead reduction surgery is because of their excessively high hairline. Anyone who has an excessively high hairline and wants to bring it forward to give their face a more proportionate and balanced appearance is a good candidate for this surgery.

Realistic Expectations: Candidates must have reasonable expectations about the outcome of the surgery. Although forehead reduction surgery can make the forehead look better, the size or contour of the face as a whole cannot be entirely altered.

Good Physical Health: Candidates for forehead reduction surgery should be in good physical condition and free of any serious illnesses that could impact the procedure’s success.

Good mental health: Emotional stability, a positive approach, and reasonable expectations for the procedure are requirements for candidates.

Non-smoker: Smoking raises the possibility of problems both during and following surgery. Therefore, smokers should be willing to give up smoking at least two weeks before and after the treatment if they are interested in having a forehead reduction surgery.

Adequate Hair Density: A candidate for forehead reduction surgery should have enough hair to cover the incision sites and produce a hairline that looks natural.

If forehead reduction surgery is the best choice, it can be determined during a consultation with a licensed cosmetic surgeon.

Cost of Forehead Reduction Surgery in Turkey

  • The price of a forehead reduction surgery might vary depending on a number of variables, including the location of the surgeon, the complexity of the treatment, and additional expenditures like anaesthesia and facility fees.
  • The usual cost of a forehead reduction procedure in Turkey usually varies between $3,500 and $7,000.
  • In comparison to other European and North American nations, forehead reduction procedures are typically far more affordable in Turkey. Exchange rates and the government’s encouragement of medical tourism allow patients to receive a top-notch procedure with excellent results for a lot less money.
  • Depending on the complexity of your particular scenario and the experience level of your surgeon, the cost of the procedure might range from $7,000 to $13,000 in other counterparts.
  • Being cost-effective Turkey maintains international standards in terms of technology and its medical staff. It’s crucial to get a trained, experienced cosmetic surgeon while having a forehead reduction procedure. Cosmetic surgeons in Turkey are board-certified and have a good track record.
  • Having a board certification is a sign that a surgeon has received thorough training and adheres to strict professional and ethical standards.


Before the Procedure

The scalp’s elasticity, hair density, and hair structure are prioritized while planning a forehead reduction operation. Because of the freedom of movement, forehead reduction is typically simpler to perform on a flexible scalp. There may be a need for a two-stage procedure if the scalp is more constrictive.

The consultation session is the first step in the forehead reduction procedure to establish the level and contour of the desired hairline.

The surgeon can proceed with the procedure once the patient is happy with the intended forehead height.

During the Procedure

General anaesthesia is frequently used during forehead reduction surgery. The surgeon will make an incision along the hairline and then cut away a part of the scalp and hairline throughout the surgery. The remaining skin is then retracted and secured with sutures. The average time to complete the treatment is one to two hours.

Following is a basic outline of what to anticipate during forehead reduction surgery. Specific techniques employed during the process can change depending on the patient’s unique needs and goals.

  • Sedation and local anaesthesia are frequently used during forehead reduction surgery, so the patient will be conscious yet relaxed throughout the treatment. In some circumstances, general anaesthesia may also be administered.
  • Incision: From temple to temple, the surgeon will typically create a horizontal incision along the hairline. The patient’s particular demands and objectives will determine the incision’s length and location.
  • Forehead Tissue Removal: A tissue strip from the forehead, right behind the hairline, will be removed by the surgeon. Skin, fat, and muscle may be included in this tissue.
  • Hairline Advancement: The remaining forehead tissue will be advanced, and the new place of the hairline will be stitched. It will lower the hairline and lower the forehead’s height.
  • Incision Closure: Sutures or staples will be used to close the incision. To further secure the wound, the surgeon may employ tissue glue or other techniques.


For a few days following the treatment, the patient needs to rest and refrain from physically demanding activities.

During the first few days, discomfort, swelling, and bruising are to be expected but can be treated with painkillers and cold compresses.

To cover the incision site and encourage healing, the patient might have to wear a bandage or head wrap.

  • Follow-Up Visits: The surgeon will arrange for a number of follow-up visits to check on the patient’s progress and to have any staples or sutures removed. Depending on the person, a full recovery may take weeks or months.
  • Healing While Recovering: One could feel sore and uncomfortable for the first few days after a forehead reduction. Additionally, there can be some tingling or numbness in the forehead region. Within a week to ten days, the majority of patients are able to resume their jobs and daily routines. However, it can take a few months before all of the procedure’s effects are visible.
  • Pain Relief: Due to the use of general anaesthesia and a small incision, forehead reduction (hairline lowering) surgery is known for being painless. To alleviate any potential pain, the surgeon may also use local anaesthesia to numb the area surrounding your forehead. Some might experience little pain in the area of their forehead after surgery, but this is treatable with over-the-counter pain relievers.

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What Are Forehead Reduction Surgery’s Risks and Complications?

The risks and potential problems of forehead reduction surgery are similar to those of any surgical operation.

Infection, haemorrhage, scarring, nerve damage, hair loss, and disappointing outcomes are a few of these that may occur.

Prior to the treatment, it is crucial to go over these risks with your physician. The risks and potential problems of forehead reduction surgery are similar to those of any surgical operation. These may consist of:

  • Infection: There is a danger of illness with any procedure. Antibiotics are frequently recommended to patients in order to assist in avoiding infection. To reduce danger, they should carefully adhere to post-operative care guidelines.
  • Scarring: Hairline incisions made after forehead reduction surgery may leave a visible scar. But a talented surgeon can lessen scarring by making cuts in places where hair might easily hide them.
  • Nerve Damage: There is a chance that a forehead reduction surgery can cause nerve damage, which could lead to a temporary or permanent loss of sensation or muscle function in the forehead or scalp.
  • Hair Loss: Hair loss or thinning near the incision site is dangerous, depending on the scope of the procedure and the patient’s hair growth trends. It may be either transitory or ongoing.
  • Uneven Hairline: It can be difficult to get a symmetrical, natural-looking hairline, and there is a chance that the results will be inconsistent or unnatural-looking.
  • Hematoma: There is a chance of developing a hematoma, which is a collection of blood under the skin that can result in discomfort, swelling, and other issues.
  • Anaesthesia-related complications, including allergic reactions or respiratory problems, are a possibility, just as they are with any surgery.


  • Following forehead reduction surgery, patients should take special care to avoid certain things that can impede their healing.
  • One should refrain from engaging in any vigorous activity, such as working out, while the surrounding tissue is still healing.
  • To reduce swelling as much as possible, one should also keep your head elevated as much as feasible.
  • Patients may suffer itching and scabbing in the days immediately following surgery, yet one shouldn’t scratch or pick at the scabs.
Dr. Surbhi Suden

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Dr. Surbhi Suden

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Dr. Surbhi Suden is one of the founders of Lyfboat and a doctor with a renowned name in the Medical tourism industry. She has been working with international patients since 2008 and is a deeply committed professional with a long term vision of transforming the current healthcare scenarios.
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